Regina Twigg Wikipedia, Wiki, Obituary, Still Alive, Baby Swap, Orphanage

Publish date: 2024-05-02

Regina Twigg Wikipedia, Wiki, Obituary, Still Alive, Baby Swap, Orphanage -: Regina Twigg, a name that became synonymous with an astonishing baby switch scandal, remains an emblem of strength and resilience in the face of adversity. Her remarkable journey, filled with twists and turns, is a testament to the human spirit’s ability to overcome life’s most challenging obstacles.

Regina Twigg Early Life and Orphanage Experience

Born into a world with the odds stacked against her, Regina’s early life was marked by hardship. After being raised in an orphanage, she was adopted by a family that, unfortunately, proved to be abusive. But even during these difficult years, Regina showed remarkable determination and a passion for life.

The Baby Swap Scandal

Regina’s life took an unexpected turn when she became entangled in a shocking baby switch scandal. In 1978, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl, Arlena, only to discover that her biological daughter had been swapped with another baby, Kim Mays, who was born with a severe heart condition. The revelation came as a devastating blow, especially as Arlena’s congenital heart defect required open-heart surgery. Tragically, Arlena did not survive the complications that followed the operation, leaving Regina and her family grappling with unimaginable grief.

A Mother’s Grief and Quest for Truth

The discovery that Arlena might not be their biological child shook Regina and her family to their core. Genetic testing confirmed the switch, sparking a media sensation in 1988. Regina believed that the switch was deliberate, possibly involving not only the hospital staff but also the Mays family. The ensuing legal battle against the hospital resulted in multimillion-dollar settlements, although the hospital did not admit any fault.

Seeking Connection with Kimberly

Regina, despite her immense pain, yearned to establish a connection with Kimberly, the girl she had unknowingly raised as her own. However, Bob Mays, Kimberly’s legal father, resisted visitation and the rekindling of a mother-daughter relationship, citing concerns about Kimberly’s emotional well-being. Their complex legal battle continued, ultimately leading to Kimberly’s successful petition for a legal “divorce” from the Twiggs at the age of 14.

Regret and Reconciliation

Looking back on her decision, Kimberly admitted to regretting her choice. She had wanted to know more about the Twiggs and her biological family but later felt that she had made a mistake. The emotional turmoil of her childhood, combined with a difficult transition into adulthood, weighed heavily on her.

Life’s Challenges

Kimberly’s life was marked by additional challenges, including a divorce from her first husband and relinquishing custody of her son. She struggled with feelings of inadequacy as a mother but took solace in knowing that her son was well cared for and loved.

A New Beginning

Today, Kimberly is remarried and has five more children. She aspires to return to school and obtain her G.E.D. Despite the strained relationships with both Darlena Mays and Regina Twigg, Kimberly recognizes Darlena’s care and kindness. She remains estranged from her Twiggs family members but has a newfound empathy for their struggles.

Regina Twigg Life Today

Regina Twigg has since remarried and pursued her passion for music as a singer-songwriter. Her life has taken a different course, but she continues to carry the love for her biological daughter in her heart. Despite the pain of their past, Regina wishes nothing but positivity and happiness for Kimberly.

In her own words, “You put one foot ahead of the other and just carry on.”


Regina Twigg’s life story is one of courage, resilience, and the enduring power of love. From a challenging upbringing in an orphanage to the heart-wrenching baby swap scandal and the complexities of family dynamics, Regina’s journey is a testament to the strength of the human spirit. Today, she continues to find solace in music and cherishes the memories of her beloved daughter, Arlena. Regina’s story is a reminder that even in the face of life’s greatest hardships, one can find the strength to carry on and embrace new beginnings.


What happened to Regina Twiggs?

Regina Twigg is now divorced from Ernest Twigg, remarried, and following her passion for music as a singer/songwriter. She said having a relationship with her biological daughter has been difficult. “I would say to Kim that I hope life will be positive for her and good for her. I will always love her,” she said.

What happened to Regina Twigg baby?

Regina Twigg’s baby, Arlena, tragically passed away at the age of 9 due to complications following open-heart surgery. The baby switch scandal revealed that Arlena had been switched at birth with Kimberly Mays.

What happened to Kimberly Mays Twigg?

Kimberly Mays Twigg has faced various challenges in her life, including legal battles, divorces, and giving up custody of her son. She is remarried and has five more children. Kimberly aspires to return to school to obtain her G.E.D.

Was the Twigg baby switched at birth?

Yes, the baby switch scandal revealed that Arlena Twigg, the baby Regina Twigg believed to be her biological daughter, was switched at birth with Kimberly Mays. Genetic testing confirmed the switch, which became a highly publicized and emotional case in the late 1980s.

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