Sasolburg School Kids Wow Mzansi With Their Dance Moves in TikTok Video: Loving Them All

Publish date: 2024-05-03

A group of primary school kids from Sasolburg danced with a lot of warm energy.

Their passion was so contagious that South Africans wished they were as happy as these children who danced like they had no care in the world.

TikTok video of Sasolburg kids dancing goes viral

@lerato_lerata's TikTok video has 292K views and was liked by over 4 000 people. The woman captioned each dancer in the video as the typical workplace team. The first dancer was compared to the employee who offered to help but did not help.

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The second dancer was compared to the worker who does most of the work. The third dancer was likened to the one who has no idea what's happening half the time, and the last one was compared to the one who disappears at the beginning and only shows up at the end. The little kids dancing will surely leave you feeling good.

The young boys from Kopanelang Thuto Primary School touched the hearts of those who watched the clip of the little children busting moves. They also seemed to have a lot of fun dancing and wore beautiful smiles.

Watch the video here:

South Africans warmed by the beautiful video

Netizens commented on the heartwarming video.

Kundi Mulweli Azwi M saw herself in one of them.

“I am the one who has no idea.”

Nnunas could not choose one.

“Loving them all.”

Peacenyary gave encouraging words.

“It gets hard sometimes, but don’t give up. Keep trying. You’ll find yourself again.”

Roots101 had a favourite.

“The ‘no idea’ kid just made my day.”

MTR animation commented:

“The boy with the belt. The camera is on the star of the film.”

Tafadwza Karima added:

“I love the one who said he’s going to help. Nice moves.”

Cedrick pointed his favourite out.

“The one with a belt.”

Nolu exclaimed:

“But children are so happy, though.”

RabsNkoana wrote:

“I like the whole thing.”

High school boys impress netizens with dance on TikTok

In a similar story, Briefly News reported that a TikTok video of two high school boys dancing to amapiano took Mzansi by surprise.

The young men's dance was so fluid and rhythmic that the video was viewed 800K times. Netizens applauded them and were impressed by their excellent moves.
