Ava Eliot Jackman Net Worth, Parents, Ethnicity

Publish date: 2024-05-04

Ava Eliot Jackman is the adopted daughter of Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness.


Eliot was born on July 10, 2005, in the USA. She is half-German and half-Mexican.


Hugh and his wife, Deborra, adopted Ava in 2005.

The couple got married in 1996. Hugh met Deborra in 1995 while starring with her in the prison drama “Corelli.”

Deborra said about the adoption:

“The security of love helps develop self-esteem, building a child’s confidence and helping them contribute all they have to offer.”

The two decided to adopt since they struggled to conceive children naturally, as well as with the help of IVF.

During an interview, Hugh stated:

“I think any parent can relate – trying to have children is wonderful and when you feel as though that’s not going to happen, there’s a certain anxiety that goes with it.” 

Jackman went on to say:

Hugh Jackman and his wife Deborra-Lee Furness

Image source – © Guliver / Getty Images

“We thought we’d have a kid or two biologically and then adopt. But when we decided we’d had enough of IVF, we went ahead with adoption.”

Note – Hugh Jackman is an Australian actor who is best known for playing Wolverine in the ‘X-Men’ film franchise.

Jackman made his Broadway debut in 2003 as singer-songwriter Peter Allen in the biographical musical “The Boy from Oz.”

For playing Jean Valjean in Les Misérables, Hugh won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy and was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor.

In 2015, he played the pirate Blackbeard in the Peter Pan-inspired fantasy Pan.

In an interview, Jackman talked about his role in Pan:

“My daughter was initially taken a little aback. But after a while, she started touching my head and started poking it. I think she found it okay then.”

Hugh added:

“She started enjoying it, I guess. And my son who is 15 years old, he was like, ‘You have got a very weird job.’”

In 2019, he said that Ava banned him from her ballet classes since he was attracting too much attention after he played in The Greatest Showman.

Ava Eliot Jackman Net Worth

Image source – © Guliver / Getty Images

He explained:

“My daughter does dance and I go watch her.”

The Australian actor continued:

“But after The Greatest Showman, I had 60 young girls in their tutus coming up to me and my daughter says, ‘You are not coming to dance again!’”

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Deborra-Lee Furness is an Australian actress who made her big-screen debut in the 1985 film Crossover Dreams.

She also starred in TV series and films like – Fire, Correlli, Neighbours, Stark, Angel Baby, Jindabyne, and Voyager.

Furness also patrons the Lighthouse Foundation for displaced children.

In a 2004 interview, Deborra talked about her previous miscarriages as well as adoptions:

“It’s like this, we had some miscarriages and we tried, we did the IVF and we were always going to, we wanted to have a child and adopt a child. So we always had that plan anyway.”

In 2022, Deborra told People about her kids — “they’ve both made me smarter than I think I ever could have been on my own.”

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Ava has a big brother, named Oscar Maximilian Jackson. Oscar was born on May 15, 2000. He is also adopted.

Hugh once said:

“I don’t think of them as adopted – they’re our children.”

In 2019, Hugh said that his relationship with his children has changed:

“My son is about to leave high school, and my daughter is about to go into high school. It’s amazing to just have conversations with them. But it took a bit of readjusting.”

Hugh also said:

“It went from ‘Hey, guys, these are the rules, we don’t do that,’ to having to give them reasons why.”

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In March 2016, Oscar and Ava were caught in a riptide on Bondi Beach. Luckily, their father was there to save them. Later, Jackman declared:

“He’s really embarrassed, my son, he’s like ‘you’ve gotta be kidding me, it wasn’t that bad.’”

During an interview, Hugh talked about the love he has for his children:

“The love I have for my wife is so intense, but nothing prepared me for the love I have for my kids. That feeling is overwhelming.”

Jackman continued:

“The thought of them being in any trouble, any pain. … I would do anything to avoid it. I would jump in front of a bus for them.”

The actor added:

“I had about an hour at a supermarket where I lost my son and let me tell you, it was the longest hour of my life.”

Ava Eliot Jackman – Net Worth

So far, Ava was not involved in any professional projects. But, her parents have a combined net worth of $170 million.

Ava currently lives with her family in New York City.

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