Elon Musk & Bill Maher Interview Woke Mind Virus Is Dangerous On Real Time

Publish date: 2024-05-06

Elon Musk, who says he fights for free speech, told Bill Maher on HBO’s Real Time that the “woke mind virus” is dangerous. He also said that he thinks of himself as “moderate” in politics.

Many people who don’t like the co-founder and CEO of Tesla say that he has become more conservative since he bought Twitter for $44 billion last year.

Musk said –

“I think we need to be very cautious about anything that is anti-meritocratic and anything that results in the suppression of free speech.”

“So those are two of the aspects of the ‘woke mind virus’ that I think are very dangerous…. you can’t question things, even the questioning is bad. Almost synonymous would be cancel culture. And obviously people have tried to cancel you many times.”

Do you know that a Twitter worker sent a message to Elon Musk a few weeks ago, asking if he had been fired? Musk addresses the employee’s inquiry regarding the possibility of termination:

Musk struck back at the critics who have labeled him as right-wing. He said –

“I, at least, think of myself as a moderate.”

“I spent a massive amount of my life energy building sustainable energy, you know, electric vehicles, and batteries, and solar. It’s not exactly far-right.”

“Free speech used to be a left or liberal value, and yet we see from the quote ‘left’ a desire to actually censor, and that seems crazy.”

“We should be extremely concerned about anything that undermines the First Amendment.”

Musk later finished his thoughts by saying –

“My concern with Twitter was to that it is somewhat of the digital town square and it’s important that there be both the reality and perception of trust for a wide range of viewpoints.”

The complete interview can be seen below, and new episodes of Real Time with Bill Maher air every Friday at 10 p.m. ET on HBO –

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